How to disable the dialog box from popping up while taking screenshots on Linux Mint 20.1 XFCE Edition

less than 1 minute read


Disclaimer: This is for people who prefer using a key for screenshot rather than using an application.</i>

Recently, I installed Linux Mint 20.1 XFCE Edition on my old laptop and frankly speaking, I kinda like it. While working my around the system, I came to know that pressing the PrntScr key opens up an application window. For me, it was new and annoying as I prefer to just press the Shift + PrntSc key for selecting the area to screenshot. There is a way you could disable the application launch, just follow these steps:

  1. Install gnome-screenshot. Run:
    sudo apt-get install gnome-screenshot
  2. Move the original to newer place:
    sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot.orig
  3. Create a modified command: (You may replace the -af with -f if you want full screenshots.)
    sudo nano /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot.mod
    gnome-screenshot.orig -af "$HOME/Pictures/Screenshot from $(date '+%F %T').png" $@
  4. Create an executable:
    sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot.mod
  5. Link it:
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot.mod /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot
  6. Navigate to Keyboard settings, change the default shortcut for Print from xfce4-screenshooter to gnome-screenshot.

And done! Enjoy hassle free screenshots!
